Map of Marine Mammal Sightings in the Monterey Bay Region compiled by Richard Ternullo
Humpback Whale sightings of up to 6 individuals were scattered throughout the bay and outer waters. Due to the lack of krill concentrations and the movement of small schooling fish out of the immediate area, Humpback Whales have not been localized and sightings have been mostly of traveling whales not reliably seen in the same area every day. About 200-1000 juvenile sea lions are hauled out on Monterey Breakwater and within the harbor. Adult males should start returning from the breeding grounds within a few weeks. Harbor seals and sea otters are seen from Monterey Harbor along rocky coasts to Pt. Lobos and in Elkhorn Slough. Click for June 2002 daily sightings list (corresponding to map above). The sightings plotted above were compiled by Richard Ternullo for the period 6/1/02 to 6/30/02. Sightings reported by J. Lancer, N. Lemon, L. Oliver, Monterey Bay Whale Watch, H. Neece, H. Tiura. Copyright © 2002 R. Ternullo. No reproduction of the map or use of the sightings information is permitted without prior approval.
Last updated July 15, 2002 |