School Field Trips Monterey BayThe Monterey Submarine Canyon is the largest and deepest canyon on the west coast and the only one approaching shore. Monterey Bay is the best place along the west coast to observe Gray Whales. The Submarine Canyon approaches nearshore, causing migrating Gray Whales to concentrate within a few miles of shore here. Also the endangered Humpback Whales and Blue Whales feed here during the summer and fall. Dolphins and Killer Whales are possible year-round. Boat Trip Information Times: Two, three and four hour
trips (check in 30 min prior to trip for full educational orientation).
Trips depart in morning (10:00 am or earlier) and afternoon (1:30
or later). Departure times can be flexible to an extent. Discount
for trips leaving at 7:00 a.m. Please remember it is IMPORTANT to
arrive ON TIME. Reservations Please call us at 831-375-4658 to make your
reservation. About UsMonterey Bay Whale Watch is owned and operated by Nancy Black, who has a M.S. degree in marine science from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. She is currently a National Geographic Society funded scientist, and has conducted research and led whale watch trips in Monterey Bay for 15 years. Nancy is involved in long-term research projects on the endangered Humpback and Blue Whales, as well as a project with Killer Whales in Monterey Bay. Other marine naturalists work on the trips as well, and all have extensive experience and training in this field. Gray WhalesThe entire Gray Whale population migrates past the Monterey coastline every winter. These whales have one of the longest migrations known, traveling over 12,000 miles roundtrip from their summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea to their winter breeding grounds in Baja California. Gray Whales are easily observed as they travel nearshore on migration. Dolphins and Other Marine LifeDuring our trip, we will also look for dolphins. Several species are frequently sighted: Long-Beaked Common Dolphins, Pacific White-Sided Dolphins, Risso's Dolphins, Northern Right Whale Dolphins, and Dall's Porpoise. Occasionally we see Killer Whales, and if they are in the area we always make an effort to see them! We see California Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and Sea Otters on all trips. Educational Whale WatchMarine Education:We are dedicated to marine education. Not only will students learn about marine life while on board our trip, we also provide teachers with educational materials for the trip. We have curriculum customized for all age levels elementary through university. We can also direct teachers to other resources available online. Boat Trip Highlights Include:
We will provide you with educational packets through our website geared to the student age level with questions and activities relating to Monterey Bay marine life that can be completed after or during the boat trip. We can also provide you with reference lists and other educational handouts and web sites related to marine mammal biology and conservation.
Last updated August 8, 2023 |