Monterey Bay Whale Watch - Nancy
Nancy Black studying Killer Whales
Nancy Black collecting a mylar balloon
from the ocean. On whale watch trips, we always pick up these balloons
when we see them on the water. Sea turtles and other marine life
can confuse them for jellies. |
Nancy Black |
Nancy Black has a Master's of Marine Science degree from Moss Landing
Marine Laboratories (focusing on Pacific White-sided Dolphin and Killer
Whales). For over 25 years she has worked with cetaceans in Monterey Bay,
including as the primary investigator for the Oceanic Society's whale
and dolphin research program. She conducted spotted dolphin research off
the Bahamas for six seasons, aerial surveys for marine mammals off California
with Cascadia Research, and field research on Alaskan killer whales with
the National Marine Mammal Lab for 12 seasons. Nancy has been photo-identifying
Monterey Bay killer whales and studying their distribution, natural history,
and behavior for 25 years.
In the late 1980's when harbor porpoise were being caught and killed
in gill nets in Monterey Bay, she collected them off the beaches, documented
the net markings and was instrumental in the ban of gill nets in Monterey
Bay. She received a prestigious award from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
for this work.
Nancy also volunteered for many years at the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito
where she assisted in the rescue and rehabilitation of marine mammals,
particularly seals and sea lions. Nancy also was very involved in the
rescue of Humphrey the humpback whale when he was caught in San Francisco
Nancy is an expert on the biology of marine mammals in Monterey Bay and
her work on Killer Whales has been part of the BBC's Blue Planet Series,
National Geographic specials, and Animal Planet segments. She has co-authored
several scientific papers on whales and continues her long-term project
on killer whales in Monterey Bay.
She owns a whale watching company in Monterey Bay and enjoys taking people
out to show and educate them about the wildlife of Monterey Bay. She has
given many lectures over the years to scientific organizations, non-profit
groups, schools, museums, aquariums, and the Monterey Bay National Marine
Sanctuary Symposium
See list of Nancy
Black's scientific publications (pdf, opens in new window). Two examples
of publications that she co-authored are Use
of chemical tracers in assessing the diet and foraging regions of eastern
North Pacific killer whales and Harbor
Porpoise Mortality in the Monterey Halibut Gillnet Fishery, 1989.
Here is a small sampling of presentations by and about Nancy Black:
2008: Nancy Black gave a presentation
about Orcas in a Changing World at the ACS Conference
in November in Monterey. |
2007: Nancy Black gave a presentation
about Killer Whales: Their behavior and ecology in California Waters
at the ACS Monterey Bay Chapter meeting in May. |
2006: Blue
Planet - Seas of Life TV special was shown on
Animal Planet. Monterey Bay Whale Watch is featured in Episode
1 - Ocean World, and in Episode 9 - The Making of the
Blue Planet. |
2006: Discovery Channel's Animal Planet
featured Monterey Bay Whale Watch in the television show Caught
in the Moment, Episode Seven: Monterey Bay.
For details see Caught
in the Moment on the Animal Planet website. |
2006: The
Gray Whale Obstacle Course PBS Special originally
aired on July 19, and August 16, 2006. Part of a series of Jean-Michel
Cousteau's Ocean Adventures, this special traces the
Gray Whale migration from Alaska to Baja California and back. In Monterey
Bay Jean-Michel and his team are joined by killer whale expert and
biologist Nancy Black. Local scenes include killer whales attacking
a gray whale mother and calf. |
2005: On August
2 Nancy Black gave a presentation onentitled Orcas: Behavior and
Ecology of Killer Whales at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long
Beach, CA. |
2005: A story about Monterey Bay Whale
Watch, Nancy Black, and Killer Whales was featured on the CBS Evening
News on May 25. |
2005: Nancy Black and Monterey Bay Whale
Watch were featured on the May 11 Today Show on NBC. |
2004: The BBC film "Killer Whale:
Killer Culture" was featured on the Discovery Channel on
Sept. 14, 15 and 21. Nancy Black and Richard Ternullo of Monterey
Bay Whale Watch were scientific consultants on the film project for
parts filmed in Monterey Bay as well as in Alaska. |
2004: Lecture by Nancy Black, "Behavior
and Ecology of Killer Whales In Monterey Bay", at Long Marine
Lab , UCSC on March 16. |
2004: Lecture by Nancy Black, "California Killer Whales:
Their Ecology and Chemical Contaminants in an Apex Predator",
at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Symposium on March
6. For more about the symposium see the MBNMS
Whale Watching Trips |
Monterey Bay Whale Watch, LLC |
84 Fisherman's Wharf
Monterey, CA 93940 |
Phone 831-375-4658 |
E-mail |
Copyright © 1997-2023 Monterey Bay Whale Watch, LLC. All rights
Photos copyright Monterey Bay Whale Watch.
Last updated April 23, 2013